Sunday, November 1, 2009
Come join the conversation over there!
Making Disciples During Advent
Here are some suggestions for slowing down and doing some intentional things during Advent to help our kids really connect with the prophecies in Scripture that foretold the coming of our Lord as Savior. I have not used any of these (yet!). I found them in searching for something to use this year. If you have used any of them, please comment and let me know what you thought. Furthermore, if you order and use any this year, please also comment so others can have an idea for coming years if it was a good resource. Bless you all as you seek to "make disciples" at home.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Parental Rights?
Do you have the right to pass on your faith to your children? To decide what movies are appropriate for them? To decide when you want them to learn about alternative lifestyles and "the birds and the bees"?
If we want to have the freedom to answer the Lord's call to make disciples of our kids- we'd better be involved in passing this amendment! Tell your friends and family- post on your blogs- GET OUT THE WORD!!! We need to reject the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child and ratify the Parental Rights Amendment. Visit Parental for more information and how you can get involved.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
A friend was sharing with me tonight on email about a recent trip to a servant event/short mission trip to the GAIN Warehouse in Lancaster, PA. Here’s a little of what she had to say:
“a mission trip like this … really brought home to my kids and the others the poverty, the needs of people all over the world. The videos, testimonies that were given during breaks and lunch time really were touching and [my daughter] even wrote a three page essay today … on one story that really touched her that she heard at GAIN. I couldn’t have done that sitting here at home I don’t think. I am really impressed with GAIN and just the whole trip in general. My kids look forward to it each year. It’s very special and they really are hands on helping others in need. It’s so cool.”
Sometimes I think we need that real picture to drive home the concepts we’ve been teaching at home. Servant events, service projects, and missions trips are a great way to reinforce and bring some real life images to bear upon the truths we teach- “tis more blessed to give than to receive”, “To him who has much, much will be expected”, “I have learned what it means to be content in all things, whether in plenty or in want”, and so many more!
You don’t have to go halfway around the world to find this- try just going downtown right where you are. A food bank or a womens shelter are great places to volunteer. Or, maybe you would like to go around the world. If so, GAIN and other groups may provide a great opportunity for your family to get out and share the Gospel with a world in need.
May you be blessed as you seek to make disciples right there at home in the hearts of your children.