Monday, October 6, 2008

What are the values you intend to foster?

My friend, Heidi, just sent me a link to a great article. I read it and thought it to be very true and very thought provoking.

I believe that we do all have an internal "script" or set of values we desire to foster in our children. After you're done with your discipleship goals (previous post)--- think about the things you value and hope to see your children one day be characterized by. This is totally personal- perhaps a good work ethic, or being scholarly, articulate, or not outspoken. WHATEVER your values are... try to get them written down. THEN- search them out in Scripture. Find verses to go with them and make a plan for how to practice and cultivate them. And, while you're at it- be sure they ARE INDEED Scriptural values- things that our Lord also values. Sometimes things sneak in!

Enjoy the article- and blessings as you determine YOUR values...


©2008 Katherine Clark

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